Mover, Nicole Johnson is holding a MOVEATHON this weekend in support of rural Cambodia. If you haven't heard of her organization, Javanna Productions, it is a student driven non-profit organization which presents a yearly effort entitled M.O.V.E (Motivation Opportunity Vision Entertainment). In this effort, preteens, teenagers and young adults are encouraged to be productive, creative and develop a stronger sense of community within their neighborhoods while raising funds for a cause. This year's effort is titled M.O.V.E for Cambodia. They are working with the Bernie Krisher Rural School Project Foundation to build a school in Cambodia. This project is inspired by Sheryl WuDunn's and Nicholas Kristof's novel "Half The Sky", a moving novel about women turning oppression into opportunity. The accounts and stories of young people described in this book inspired this team of M.O.V.E. representatives to get a move on.
Help them as they begin to use their craft to create opportunities for children all over the world. By donating to Javanna Productions M.O.V.E. for Cambodia, you will contribute to making a difference in someone's life , in your own life, in your community, in your city, in your state, in this nation, and in this world. They hold at least one event a month; spoken word nights, musical theater comedy sketches, open mic nights, choreography showcases, visual art galleries, parties, classes, workshops, etc. In order to get on the road to Cambodia and reach their ultimate goal of $20,000, they need financial support to rent studios, theaters, event spaces and meet their technical support and transportation needs.
This year's effort requires the members to learn about East Asian culture post regime. With that knowledge, they are encouraged to use their craft to raise funds for the school in Cambodia and awareness for the cause. The members are sympathetic, reverent, understanding young citizens of a global community and continue to gain a greater awareness and respect of the world with each artistic experience. In addition to donating to the school abroad, you are donating to the empowerment of a large community of artistic kids in New York City. Any donation, big or small is greatly appreciated. Their generation can make a difference in the way we give back to our communities on both a global and national scale, but they need your help in doing so.
Check out their M.O.V.E. For Cambodia page & make a donation HERE!