Nicole Javanna Johnson (left) of Javanna Productions will begin administering the new Vanna Ed. Arts & Education Program today, July 1st! Kids, parents, friends and MOVERS, please join them on Friday July 4th to celebrate their first week of operation at the Living Gallery in Brooklyn, NY. Desserts, s'mores, performances, movies, games, food and fun!! Join as they celebrate the opening of their new community center.
4th of July Party: Friday July 4th 12:00 PM-4:00 PM. Location: THE LIVING GALLERY; 1094 Broadway between Dekalb and Malcolm X.
Take the F to Myrtle st. OR take the J to Kosciusko.
The Vanna Ed. Membership provides students of all ages with an array of courses, resources, networking opportunities and performance opportunities that prepare them to enter a variety of professional industries post graduation. Visit their website to learn more about the classes and services offered at Vanna Ed.
Hours of operation: 10:00-4:00 Monday thru Friday.
Hip hop workshops* Contemporary workshops* Tap workshops* Ballet workshops *Musical Theater workshops* Improvisation* A Capella singing* Meisner Acting technique *Scene work *Monologue work * On camera classes* Culinary arts *Film editing * Music composition* Movie screenings *Board games* Community breakfast* Arts and Crafts * Visual art * Creative writing * Community garden activities * Field Trips* Fashion * Sewing * Intro to Modeling * Regents Prep * Illustration* MUCH MORE!
Julia Juhas, Chelsey Duplak, Alana Randall, Sarah Zielinski
Anthony Sanchez, Allen Strouse, Tony Ponella, Joseph Lucherini