In the beginning, all was played in my memory in reverse, starting with death and ending with birth. I don’t fear death. I fear birth. Here is where I seek answers.
-James Koroni
In the beginning, she sat in the middle of the sunny warm patch on the linoleum tile floor. She wore the color blue, pale, worn out. The ocean waves knocked. -Mary Ellen Beaudreau
In the beginning, between the heat and the fireworks I was unable to sleep. -Jessica Myers
In the beginning, there was no enemy. -Lauren Cox
In the beginning there was the end and all were confused about which way to turn next. There were no orbits, and so bodies collided, and as they collided, entire galaxies were birthed from the chaos. This was long before trust would come and ruin everything. In the beginning there was fear. So all was created, to balance, all this stupid shit out. -Kevon Simpson
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