Our tech rehearsal is finally here which means we get see the performance space for the first time. The Fringe festival only allows 3 hours in the space to take care of all technical issues such as; lighting, sound, spacing, etc. We managed to cover all our bases and more. By more I mean we managed to sneak in a little photo shoot.

Our venue is on the King Edward School campus, only two blocks from the FRINGE sight. The school is absolutely breathtaking!
The King Edward School first opened its doors to students March 9th, 1914, the Edmonton Bulletin newspaper was moved to note that its new shower baths "will be a novelty to many of the children, who never before saw hot water come down like rain." The new school also featured 17 classrooms, an automatic heat regulator (also notable for its day), separate playrooms for boys and girls and dedicated manual training and domestic science rooms.
Named for the eldest son of Queen Victoria, King Edward was the first school in Edmonton constructed with reinforced concrete. The Bulletin reported it took a million pounds of cement and one long train load of gravel, millions of brick (sic), miles of pipe, carloads of glass and in all about five train loads of material. But there is very little lumber or wood in the building, for it is built to be fireproof. (source)
We are honored to be performing in such a historic building in their community.
After tech rehearsal Lauren Cox and I, James Koroni, invited everyone over to our hosts home to eat dinner, prepared by us.
Our hosts have an organic garden that provides half of their produce and the other half comes in every Tuesday from a farming co-op, which is evenly split amongst local families. You basically receive whatever can be grown with current weather conditions in consideration. With our host family out of town there were so many veggies to eat. The trick is, you must use what is available which was mostly onions, potatoes, cucumbers, parsley and peas. We got creative with some tempeh and here's the result:
Marinated Tempeh with green pearl onions and string beans
Green onion, red quinoa
Garlicky baked potato wedges with parsley
Oven roasted sweet onions
Cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes
We're excited to see how local produce can inspire every meal for the rest of our stay here in Edmonton.
A gallery from today for your viewing pleasure:
[flagallery gid=8 name="Gallery"]
Edmonton FRINGE – Part 1
Edmonton FRINGE – Part 2
Edmonton FRINGE – Part 3
Edmonton FRINGE – Part 4
Edmonton FRINGE – Part 5
Edmonton FRINGE - Part 6