You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.
Or do you?
'364 The Series' wittingly addresses ecological and social issues while poking fun at popular culture. I find charisma in its playful approach. With a sense of humor they speak to somewhat unreachable ears. People often want to mourn in what ignorance is dwelling. It is our responsibility to tackle current issues and make it known that we are enraged. Until we make society realize that artists are not only talents but also 'Movers', we will continue to live in delusion or live without a voice. In order to make this shift we must do our research and make our medium carry a message.

James Manzello, the writer of '364 The Series' carries the leading role of Donner, a reindeer with good intention, although seemingly disheartened by the worlds current state, finds himself excitable at moments of truth. By alluding to certain topics, Manzello offers a platform of discussion influenced not only with his vegan lifestyle but by having a sense of humor. His performance will inspire others to develop opinions and hopefully make for a more informed society. Fortunately, compassion is found in many forms, and James' seems to find his voice within a chuckle.
While we thought reindeer only had one simple job of pulling Santa's sleigh - the other 364 days of the year they have lives just like you and me.
All styling for '364 the Series' done by cruelty free vegan Marlena Pavich, also featuring vegan recording artist Mandy Duffy in episode 4!
'So You Think You Can Dance' occasionally brings our attention to issues of grave importance. Pieces such as Addiction by Mia Michaels and 'This Woman's work' about a woman with Breast Cancer, by Tyce Diorio are a few I will never forget. With Diorio's message brought to the forefront of the dance community I would like to continue addressing the issue.
g back to April of this year, I recall Kentucky Fried Chicken making efforts to raise money for the Susan G. Komen foundation.
50 cents per bucket of deep fried,
"chickens, breasts."
How Ironic, this irresponsible fast food chain not only serves food that is breast cancer causing but also perpetuates diabetes, heart attacks and a slue of other health problems! Not to mention it's a bucket full of CHOPPED OFF CHICKENS BREASTS!
Fortunately the Breast Cancer foundation involved pulled out of this fundraiser. These fast food companies are a disgrace to life, compassion and welfare. Not only are they death to small business, they cause health issues in all those who consume their products and get their food through the inhumane practices of factory farming.
A moving quote from Nigel Lythgoe, a judge on 'So You Think You Can Dance,' "I don't know as a choreographer, where you get the strength from... to do a piece like this." Issues such as these often haunt us, hearing about it day to day almost makes us want to avoid it. Unfortunately being ignorant is more popular these days than ever. We can only make change for those suffering if we as choreographers, "find the strength" to be moved by such issues.
Why do you dance?
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