Whole Moves Fitness Training!

Sebastian Grubb For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, you ought to check out WHOLE MOVES! It's new a fitness class for dancers and others with embodied professions and hobbies brought to you by Sebastian Grubb.

Details: Wednesdays, 12-1pm in Berkeley at the Finnish Hall. $15-30 sliding.

Whole Moves is not your typical exercise class. Instead of focusing on brute strength or basic cardio, Whole Moves fitness is about learning and practicing complex movement patterns, while training all athletic and functional fitness components: strength, endurance, agility, balance and coordination. Extra attention will be paid to learning proper form, safe joint range of motion and building up mobility and dynamic stability.

In this class we will push, pull, jump, throw, run and balance our way to victory and healthier, more athletic bodies.


James Koroni, Enforced Arch          Tracey Katof, Enforced Arch With choreographers James Koroni & Tracey Katof of Enforced Arch website! All proceeds go towards the 'Please, Don't Touch' fundraiser.

$20 - 2 hr class* Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM Location: Pearl Studios Nyc Studio K 500 8th Ave., New York, NY 10018

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM Contemporary warm-up including pilates strengthening

7:45 PM - 9:00 PM Athletic & quirky Contemporary segment from 'Please, Don't Touch'

*The Enforced Arch community is searching for compassionate 'Movers' for upcoming opportunities. This is a great way for us to get to know you as a dancer and artist!

Sea Or Be Seen

Bettina MayBETTINA MAY but your way! Dancers often find if difficult to stand out in this competitive sea of talent. What will give you that edge when everyone can do a triple? With Bettina May's crafty creativity and savvy vintage style you're sure to learn a trick or two about how a lady can utilize ones own wardrobe and physique to create the perfect look!

May 8: Brooklyn, NY - Pin-Up Class, Vintage Home, Crown Heights, 1-7pm. Space is limited in this special class in a beautiful private mid-century modern-styled home, so sign up asap. When you sign up she'll email you the address and directions.


Bettina May, Pin-Up Class

Bettina May, But Your Way!

Bettina May, Beauty BarOnce again, Bettina May opens her heart to aspiring Burlesque performers at Beauty Bar! She has been traveling around the globe teaching ladies how to rediscover the glamour secrets of our grandmothers since 2006, and has been a professional pin-up model and photographer since 2003. In one day, she'll teach you how to unlock the mysteries of good hair and easy makeup, and how to look great in front of a camera. You supply your own make-up and wardrobe, so she can teach you how easy it is to achieve vintage looks with the stuff you already have, no need to spend a fortune on all new items! You will leave that day with a book detailing all of the information that you learned in class that day and a CD of your own unedited images that you will own the rights to. She strives to make this class a body-positive experience, teaching you that glamour has no age, height or size requirement. VISIT, bettina.ca/pinupclass.htm for more info!