Once again, Bettina May opens her heart to aspiring Burlesque performers at Beauty Bar! She has been traveling around the globe teaching ladies how to rediscover the glamour secrets of our grandmothers since 2006, and has been a professional pin-up model and photographer since 2003. In one day, she'll teach you how to unlock the mysteries of good hair and easy makeup, and how to look great in front of a camera. You supply your own make-up and wardrobe, so she can teach you how easy it is to achieve vintage looks with the stuff you already have, no need to spend a fortune on all new items! You will leave that day with a book detailing all of the information that you learned in class that day and a CD of your own unedited images that you will own the rights to. She strives to make this class a body-positive experience, teaching you that glamour has no age, height or size requirement.
VISIT, bettina.ca/pinupclass.htm for more info!
Jump On Board, PINNACLE

Wrinkled $ By Clara Lofaro
I've been inspired by Clara Lofaro for years. Rarely do we see an artist take the stage empty handed, command silence with stillness, and begin filling our hearts with their voice. She began her set with an acapella performance at Cafe Vivaldi, in SOHO where I was asked to perform a dance in collaboration with her music. We were thrilled to be working together. Our first performance was her song entitled 'Wrinkled $.'
Wrinkled $ speaks of a loss of innocence that is inevitable as each of us accepts reality beyond our youth. This happens sooner for some than others who may be more sheltered. Clara sings:
There was a school yard Where we used to play In our sweatpants and short hair We told secrets and we didn't care
About the world About the wrinkles on our face About the money we made About the pressures That weigh us down today About the impressions we made About the politicians And the apostles About the war child And the egos That smack us in the face About the hearts we break
In the spirit of The Beatles, 'Imagine' where no religion or war inhibits our ability to find peace, 'Wrinkled $' showcases the innocence of childhood as a utopia where no $, politics, or egos reside. Innocence exists here without knowledge or life experience and has no grounds for opinion. A child simply sees beauty in everything. It seems that we cherish these moments in our lives, ones where we are free from daily travails. Then when does the agony begin? Part of growing into our adolescence and even into young adulthood means facing frightening truths. This may be where ignorance is born. Born as a fear, creeping up when that innocence is challenged with information that opposes our current understanding of the world, and if accepted, would require change, which is often difficult. It's clear why people maintain an iron grip on their traditions and opinions - we can't expect everyone to be be open to having their beliefs challenged, regardless of the validity of those challenges.
On the contrary I can see benefits in our innocence and value it. A child is brought into life with an unconditional ability to love. Something to admire, they remind us of what is truly important. How might I wonder do we sustain this ability to give unconditional love. When a child asks a question about the world, we may find it in their best interest to be dishonest with them, to protect them. However, if we provide them with a platform of knowledge that helps them understand the world, they will be prepared for tough transitions. Life has a lot of evolutions to undertake and this is yet another one that we need to identify, where Innocence meets Ignorance. Our fear of evolution is simply something to acknowledge and seek understanding in its wake.
See Clara Lofaro @ Canal Room Friday, February 25th, 2011 8pm www.ClaraLofaro.com
James Koroni: Arrest Yourself, Part 4 of 4
JAMES KORONI, Arrest Yourself for complying with a mindless day to day routine. With that as our permanent attitude there would need to be an endless supply of goods for you
to consume. Our common products are far removed from its original resource and this intangible "object" somehow gives us permission to relieve ourselves of any responsibility. This is how the huge corporations would like to keep it however, if we are kept dumb then they can do whatever they want. By not feeling any of the suffering that goes into production we give them power over us asa consumer almost as if we're hypnotized by their marketing campaigns.
I find the statement "Ignorance is Bliss!," as the downfall of society. We turn our heads at uncomfortable information because once understood we might need to make change in our lives that are outside of our comfort zones. Our comfort zone is only concerned with our personal well being and this is where hope is lost. Selfish acts are blind to suffering.
This doesn't mean we need to write on signs and head out to the nearest protest. By being particular in where we make purchases we decide the results of tomorrow. How do we create a more compassionate and sustainable future through thoughtful consumerism? We need to trace our products back to its source. Were people treated as dignified human beings in the production of my clothing? Are animals individuals, do they deserve a life free of exploitation? Why is fast food so cheap and how does it affect your health, the environment and small businesses? There are too many issues to list.
'Arrest Yourself' was created to inspire individuals to seek answers and make change. Make your comfort zone bigger and offer compassion to those beyond yourself. It's not a question of faith. It's a question of reality. Where does 'this' come from and who did it affect prior to arriving before me.
James Koroni studied at ‘The Edge‘ in Los Angeles,‘Broadway Dance Center‘ in New York City and Santa Monica College in Los Angeles. A few of his credits include choreographing and dancing for Princess Superstar in Paris, France, dancing for Madonna at MACY’s in Herald Square, choreographing and dancing for Clara Lofaro in NY, NY, performing in ‘Rhapsody’s Sirens after Dark‘ at the BLVD on Bowery, participated in the production of Bagabones at The Fringe Festival in New York City and teaching at NorthPort Dance in Long Island. His Internships and Administrative credits include ‘Broadway Dance Center’ under the International Student Visa Program with Director Bonnie Erickson and is currently employed at Cynthia King Dance Studio in Brooklyn, NYC as Cynthia King’s Executive Assistant.
“So much of life carries the potential to shock and excite me and whether traditional or controversial, if it offers compassion I find a reason to appreciate its beauty.” - James Koroni
LAUREN COX: Arrest Yourself Part 1 of 4 SCOTT HAMILTON: Arrest Yourself, Part 2 of 4 KIET LAM: Arrest Yourself, Part 3 of 4
Photography by Joshua Katcher of TheDiscerningBrute.com
Kiet Lam: Arrest Yourself, Part 3 of 4
“Ignorance Is Bliss?” Arrest Yourself! By avoiding inconvenient and unpleasant information we hide from the worlds current state. Whether it be Factory Farming, Green House Gas or Social Justice we must understand and address these issues before it’s too late.
"I do my best to rehydrate you at the risk of absurdity/there's nothing left between us but a state of emergency"
-Hot Chip
KIET LAM, Life is about relationships. Never taking myself as an isolated entity in the world, I am reminded that each day is marked by continuous give and take between me and the people with whom I work, or ride the subway, or buy groceries, or dance, or grab dinner- the list goes on. "Arrest Yourself," in its music and movement, is a reminder to me that the balances in these relationships are delicate, and that every relationship requires effort and sacrifice. This concept may seem obvious, but I think the part that many choose to forget is that it extends not just to one's immediate friends, but to everyone who crosses one's path throughout the day. Every person deserves compassion and kindness, and we often forget that duty in the hustle of daily life. It is in these momentary lapses, that you "Arrest Yourself" in order to rediscover what it means to be a part of Life.
Kiet started in the world of competitive Ballroom dance, then made the move into jazz and hip-hop through Groove Dance Co., a collegiate dance performance group at Yale University. He studied at Broadway Dance Center in New York City in the Summer Intern Program, where he got the opportunity to work with Jim Cooney as a dancer on a special Broadway-themed episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. His other credits include the ISVP Performance Project at Broadway Dance Center, and various pieces he has choreographed for Groove Dance Co. at Yale, including his most recent piece "Mirrors".
"The greatest happiness is to transform one's feelings into action." -Kiet Lam
Performance of Arrest Yourself, February 19th 2011 @ 7PM!
Kumble Theater- One University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201
TICKETS Discount Code: BeKind
LAUREN COX: Arrest Yourself Part 1 of 4 SCOTT HAMILTON: Arrest Yourself, Part 2 of 4 JAMES KORONI: Arrest Yourself, Part 4 of 4
Scott Hamilton: Arrest Yourself, Part 2 of 4
“Ignorance Is Bliss?” Arrest Yourself! By avoiding inconvenient and unpleasant information we hide from the worlds current state. Whether it be Factory Farming, Green House Gas or Social Justice we must understand and address these issues before it’s too late.
SCOTT HAMILTON, "I am a King with a million servants. At any moment, someone somewhere is doing work for me. Making my food, sweeping up trash, sewing the clothes I wear. Just about anything I need is provided for me. Things are so easily accessible why would anyone bother worrying about where they came from? Could I answer that question most of the time? Probably not. Everyday I am bombarded with goods, services
and information, and the most difficult part of the day is simply choosing what I want.
Modern civilization has become highly fragmented and micro-focused on the individual; while all this is happening, who among us will step back and take the time to focus on a more macro level? What happened to, “The Greater Good”, and something more than ourselves?
I believe technology and the modern world have trained us to become numb and accepting of ignorance on some levels. Our ever growing desire to cater to the individual only perpetuates the issue, as we shift focus from our fellow man to ourselves at ever increasing rates. When we don’t know who to blame for our growing feelings of isolation in an ever connected world, and the irony of the situation becomes too much to reconcile in our own minds, we point fingers. In reality, we as individuals need to be held accountable.
I think it’s within human nature to crave knowledge and we need to start making real efforts towards being completely responsible for our own actions and knowing what important role we play within our society.
Its natural to be self centered, but to do so to the degree with which you would lose connection to society as a whole and blind yourself with ignorance is frightening. Even a King must listen and understand their people to survive."Scott Hamilton began his dance training in 2005 at Western Michigan University. Prior to relocating to New York City, Scott received Degrees in International Marketing, Vocal Performance and Dance Performance in April 2008. With New York as his base, Scott’s been busy touring and performing internationally, entertaining in theaters around the United States, and giving back to students right here in New York. His goal was to be doing what he loves, and thankfully he loves it more and more each day. "Laugh often, and tell the people you love, that you love them."
Performance of Arrest Yourself, February 19th 2011 @ 7PM!
Kumble Theater- One University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201
TICKETS Discount Code: BeKind
LAUREN COX: Arrest Yourself Part 1 of 4 KIET LAM: Arrest Yourself, Part 3 of 4 JAMES KORONI: Arrest Yourself, Part 4 of 4
Lauren Cox: Arrest Yourself, Part 1 of 4
"Ignorance Is Bliss?" Arrest Yourself! By avoiding inconvenient and unpleasant information we hide from the worlds current state. Whether it be Factory Farming, Green House Gas or Social Justice we must understand and address these issues before it's too late.
'Mover,' James Koroni choreographed a piece entitled 'Arrest Yourself' to remind people that they are personally responsible for their own demise. To properly present this as a performance piece his dancers also shared their opinions on how this issue is prominent in their own lives.
LAUREN COX, "I've noticed that we walk around day to day bombarded with opinions from our peers, media and limited by our own comfort zones. We allow so much of it to guide our steps and we are often afraid of embracing new information because somehow it will disrupt our current state of heaven when, in fact, it’s the contrary that leads to the path of happiness. And we all do it! We all struggle to find our own happiness outside of ourselves…this makes absolutely no sense, so 'Arrest Yourself!' Hold yourself captive, if only to give way to the inevitability of change. By being an active participant of my own dream and staying open-minded to the dreams of others I sew anonymous benefits upon the world. It is through collective dreams that we realize we are all deeply interconnected and can progress for each other on our short visit to this earth. It is a daily choice…carpé diem!!"
She is a lifetime student and teacher of dance and movement. Starting at the age of 6, Lauren trained rigorously and competed as a passionate Rhythmic Gymnast around the U.S. for 11 years with the aid of ballet, modern dance and pilates, eventually achieving 4th in the nation for level 9 and 20th for level 10. During college she discovered a love for Sociology, hip hop and youth advocacy through Culture Shock Dance Troupe in Oakland, California where she received training with prominent guest choreographers such as Nappy Tabs, performed at events such as S.F. Aids Walk, Monsters of Hip Hop and the ACL Championships with LL Cool J & Amerie and was a part of their competition team, CS Allstars, winning consecutive silver and bronze metals at the U.S. & World Hip Hop Championships in Los Angeles. After co-founding and dancing for Groove Against the Machine San Francisco and exhibitioning annually at events like World of Dance and Battlefest Bay Area she set out to learn yet another style in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where she studied Samba, African and Street Dance for one year. She returned to the States to accept Broadway Dance Center’s Summer Intensive Internship and has been training in ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop and freestyle for the past 7 months in order to converge and solidify her deep passion for the universal language of music through dance. She is now the Portuguese translator for Broadway Dance Center, teaches Hip Hop at Center Stage New Jersey and has just started a choreography project called “The Ladies Freedom Party” bringing conscious light to music & movement.
Performance of Arrest Yourself, February 19th 2011 @ 7PM!
Kumble Theater- One University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201
TICKETS Discount Code: BeKind
SCOTT HAMILTON: Arrest Yourself, Part 2 of 4 KIET LAM: Arrest Yourself, Part 3 of 4 JAMES KORONI: Arrest Yourself, Part 4 of 4
Oui, Yes, Si
A lot can be said for Miss Yessi "Yes-Yes" Ru-iz. She lives not to satisfy social norms but rather enhances the art of compassion through well crafted spurts of jovial talent.
In September 2010 Madonna, yes "The Madge," held an audition for dancers to perform at her daughter, Lourdes', Material Girl launch party. Miss Ru-iz did not hesitate, took a leap of faith, and now she has yet another story to tell of her bravery.
She and I both had the privilege of dancing for Madonna. Upon meeting Miss Ru-iz, one quickly learns that she's no pushover. She tells you how it is and I admire her for it. Backstage we exchanged a few words and found we have a common excitement for life, therefore our friendship was inevitable.
Months later Miss Ru-iz watched a documentary called "Meet Your Meat." The fundamental elements of this video provides outsiders the truth behind animal slaughterhouses.
I noticed a comment thread she began on a popular social networking website that invited all of her friends to watch "Meet Your Meat." Her friends we both inspired and rebellious toward her new found respect for life. "If you have the capacity to suffer and I can live without inflicting pain on others, then why should I support such a cruel industry?" After doing her research she found overwhelming evidence that supports a cruelty free lifestyle.
We took a lunch date at a popular fast food vegan cafe called (BDJ), Blossom Du Jour. BDJ is located at 174 Ninth Avenue in Chelsea. We chose Blossom Du Jour because they make a positive impact on the “fast food” industry by offering vegan choices that are healthful, environmentally conscious, and prepared quickly and efficiently.
We couldn't resist the idea of a Soy Bacon Cheeseburger with melted daiya cheese, soy bacon, soy patty, and ONION RINGS all on a crispy bun! Just to mix it up we also grabbed a wrap out of their quick prep fridge called Un-Chicken Salad Wrap with cranberries in a whole wheat spinach tortilla. Feast your eyes!
In addition to having a passion for dance, Miss Ru-iz is known to shoot the occasional documentary for fashion designer Indashio. You will see more Miss Ru-iz! Check back for more on this compassionate 'Mover!'