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On Saturday, May 14, 2011, Farm Sanctuary, the largest Farmed Animal Sanctuary held their 25th Anniversary Gala at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Mover, Anja Keister and I are both advocates for animals and made a point to attend this Gala. We admire Farm Sanctuary because their achievements are beyond astonishing. After 25 years of unconditional commitment to ending farm animal suffering they now have unwavering support of politicians, celebrities and professionals. Most importantly they inspire compassion through education, opportunities to have personal relationships with rescued animals and by telling their stories.
At Farm Sanctuary, these animals are our friends, not our food. -Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary 25th Anniversary Gala CELEBRITY GUESTS: Jesse Eisenberg, Corey Feldman, Rory Freedman, Bonnie-Jill Laflin, Carol Leifer, Nellie McKay, Wendie Malick, Michael Nouri, Eric Roberts, Ally Sheedy, Russell Simmons, Loretta Swit, Shana Wall, Fred Willard, and many more! A glimpse of our evening:
For more information on Farm Sanctuary visit, FarmSanctuary.org.
I can only imagine what playing Scrabble with this quirky 'Mover' must be like. Anja Keister's choices teem with hilarity and keeps you entertained on all levels. Her innate creativity developed two alternatives to the cruel usage of feathers for traditional burlesque acts.
The group known as D20 Burlesque had a show entitled "Boards and Broads" where each performer took the stage and cleverly constructed or performed their unique rendition of popular games. One lady even built the entire game of Mouse Trap while on stage which left me on the edge of my seat! Anja Keister, a compassionate 'Mover,' was not only the producer of this popular evening at The Parkside Lounge but also performed two acts of her own. Her first performance featured a Scrabble Chip Fan that she constructed herself and for her second performance she made a beautiful wheat headdress which was part of a game called The Settlers of Catan. Then there was her faux lambs head heals. Amazing!
Rather than feel defeated by what struggles may come with finding an alternative to feathers, Anja took this opportunity to be creative and in turn expanded our minds and enlightened our evenings!
For more on Anja Keister visit her 'Movers' page!
Night Life, Night Lights
I took a trip to the Public Assembly in Williamsburg where the one year anniversary of Beatles Burlesque took place. The experience was whimsical, enchanting and not only did I get to see one 'Mover' perform but there were two compassionate ladies in the line up! Anja Keister & Bettina May each took the stage that evening.
These ladies never fail to impress to me. They live to shed light on the burlesque industry which is traditionally rife with feathers and fur. Anja Keister created The Trials and Tribulations of A Vegan Burlesque Performer which features creative and responsible leading ladies while Bettina May makes all of her own garments! You can see more of her wardrobe here!
Check back for more performances by these two Beaming Bombshells!
Trials & Tribulations
Anja Keister is a compassionate 'Mover' to be on the look out for! Drawing from her background in performance art and stage productions, Anja Keister sets out to create original burlesque acts that explore the ideas of beauty, femininity, gender roles and the cult of pop culture. Combining spectacular theatricality with the bizarre, Anja thrives in the New York neo-burlesque scene, pushing audiences to question their own definitions of what is beautiful, what is sexy, and what makes them uncomfortable. Always a fan of the beauty of decay and deconstruction, Anja Keister hopes to change herself and the world with every garment she removes.
“Burlesque is known for its feathers and silk and neo-burlesque also incorporates a lot of the fetish world into the acts, so often there can be a lot of leather involved. Sticking to my ethical beliefs has been quite a challenge, but I feel it’s only made me more creative in my work. How does one have a feather boa or fan without feathers? I’ve had to do a lot of research and in fact I’ve documented and journal a lot of this work, frustration and discovery in my blog: The Trials and Tribulations of Becoming a Vegan Burlesque Performer.” -Anja Keister