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What's On Tap?
Ray Hesselink, one of our Movers, is becoming a legend. This kind of responsibility comes with an understanding of the need to pass along secrets of success.
In fact he wrote an article in recent DanceSpirit Magazine, "Letter to My Teenage Self" which offers encouragement to the challenges we face when coming into our professional selves.
Hesselink is teaching "A Taste of Tap (An Adult Intro Class)." Learn how to tap from the VERY beginning. SIX WEEKS ONLY: At STEPS on Broadway every Sunday from 2:30-4:00pm starting January 16, 2011-February 20, 2011 at Steps on Broadway!
It's a new year, a new decade and well, it's time to start a new hobby! By the end of this decade you may become a tap dance professional too!